
Fitness and Family Time: Fun Ways to Encourage a Healthy Lifestyle


As our family grows, it is hard to squeeze in everything we have on our to do list. At the end of the day, we end up pushing off exercise until tomorrow, promising ourselves we will be less tired if we take a night off. Instead, we spend our downtime flopped down on the couch, lost in a digital world of glowing screens.

As parents, we are leading by example. If we want our kids to lead a healthier lifestyle, we need to show them how it’s done. It’s time to get up off the couch, shut off the screens and bring back an interactive family time. Can’t think of anything to do? Keep reading for a little inspiration.

Family Fun Runs – Sign up the family for a 5K walk/run in your area. These family friendly courses lead participants through colored foam, glo paint, mud and even obstacle courses. While every child is different, many kids over 8 can walk or run a 5K.

Laser tag – This adrenaline raising activity is a great rainy day plan for families. Players wear lightweight targeted vests and carry a “loaded” laser gun. Played in a semi dark room with plenty of places to hide, teams try to hit their opponent’s target and get points for each hit.

Play Pickleball – Pickleball isn’t just for suburban moms. Make it a family affair and run off some of the kids’ energy while enjoying some friendly competition. While everybody is different, a 150 pound person can burn 178 calories in 30 minutes. Check out how many calories you can burn on

Pull out the bikes – Many of the local trails are set up for bikes as well. Let the kids ride their own bicycles or bring them along in a bike trailer if they are younger. Cycling 10-12 mph burns 30-45 calories per mile depending on your weight.

Learn a TikTok Dance – It seems like there is a new TikTok dance every day. The dances on TikTok involve a lot ofchoreography but are fast moving and fun. Check out slower how-tos on YouTube to get you started.

Trampoline arena – Jumping on a trampoline uses a lot of energy so you burn calories while having fun. In addition to simple trampoline jumping, many arenas include dodgeball courts and air-robics classes.

Walk instead of drive – Challenge your family to walk and ride bikes to do local errands like picking up a loaf of bread or dropping off books at the library. Walking burns 100 calories per mile, leaving plenty of room for a guilt free dinner.

Become a Ninja Warrior – This training is a fun way for kids, teens and adults to tackle a variety of obstacle courses as they do in the TV show American Ninja Warrior. Facilities offer classes, open gyms, and one time events like birthday parties.

In and On the Water – Rent a canoe, rowboat, kayak or paddleboat for a little exercise and inexpensive fun. Did you know that paddling uses 7 muscle groups including arms, shoulders and core? You can also head to the local pool to race in the lap lanes or play a simple game of Monkey in the Middle.

Try a Climbing Wall – Climbing walls are a great family bonding activity. Kids as young as 4 or 5 can participate in indoor climbing structures. Not only do you get a full body workout, but you will build confidence, improve communication and make memories to last a lifetime.

Play Classic Backyard Games – Step back in time and head outside. Play classic games like tag, four square, kick the can, hide and seek, Frisbee, kickball and jump rope. You can also play cornhole, bocce or even shoot hoops in the driveway.

Video games – Yes, you read it right. I am encouraging family fitness in the form of a video game. Try Nintendo Switch Sports, Fitness Boxing, Ring Fitness Adventure, Just Dance or Beat Saber for PS4 or PS5. The kids will love the opportunity to play with their game systems and their parents will like the games that get them off the couch.

Pam Molnar is a freelance writer and mother of three busy teens. They are a multi-tasking family that combines fitness and family time whenever possible.


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Fitness and Family Time: Fun Ways to Encourage a Healthy Lifestyle

by Guest Contributor time to read: 3 min