Fitness is always trending as one of the most promised resolutions in the New Year. As families begin to embark on new fitness and wellness programs, goals are made, planned, and put into action by early January but tend to fall off by February.
But as we come out of a holiday hibernation and look forward to the coming spring, our fitness resolutions are revisited and renewed.
Maybe the healthy meals have slowly evolved back into the quick runs through the fast-food windows, the gym visits have become few and far between, or the nights of scrolling and sleep deprivation have returned.
If you find yourself drifting back into old, unhealthy habits, make February a time to revisit your “why” and encourage your family to jump back in too.
In this month’s edition, fitness and wellness for the whole family is our focus. Whether the goal was to start a new Pilates class or get your steps in, you may have noticed that you’re falling away from your fitness plans, which have also led to your children returning to their old habits.
In my home, we hit the ground running (no pun intended) on getting our bodies more active and sitting down for a daily, healthy meal as a family, only to find that after a few weeks, we start making excuses to stay inside from the cold and grab unnecessary sweet and salty snacks in the evening.
How do we get ourselves and our family back on track? In this month’s feature article, Fitness and Family Time: Fun Ways to Encourage a Healthy Lifestyle, the author suggests various ways to do just that. With the cold evenings sticking around for a while, maybe consider indoor fitness, which can also check the fun box.
Take the kids out and enjoy an afternoon of bowling, indoor trampoline bouncing, or indoor pool swimming. This will surely get them active while having some much-needed family fun. Once the temperatures start to rise, take the family on a hike or bike ride through one of the many city parks that our area has to offer.
Also, healthy farmer’s markets are going to be set up in our communities soon. Maybe get help from the kids on planning some nutritious meals and then go to the market together to gather all the ingredients. Working as a family toward more healthy meal options can be fun and also beneficial to your wellness goals.
This February, let’s rally our family back into those healthy mindsets we began 2025 with. Find some fun family outings that can get the body moving. Together is better and gives more accountability and support for all family members. From one parent to another, let’s make fitness fun again.